This choice will determine, against which
reference genome the designs will be tested.
In the textarea may be entered either a
FASTA format sequences in nucleotide alphabet e.g:

>some sequence

Or a FASTA format sequences in nucleotide alphabet e.g:

>some sequence

Caution: the word spacer has to be in between.
The file might contain
FASTA format sequences in nucleotide alphabet e.g:

>some sequence

>some other sequence

Or FASTA format sequences in RVD alphabet e.g:

>some sequence

Caution: the word spacer has to be in between.
It can be specified if the TALEN designs are be tested for any secondary off-target effects.
This means if they will cut in any exogenous, foreign introduced sequences.
Check every individual off-target or paste a set of FASTA sequences into the text area
This text area only accepts FASTA format sequences as input e.g.:
>some sequence

1. Organism of interest:


select off-target database

2. Sequence input:


Alternatively upload a file in FASTA format


3. Secondary off-targets:

Test secondary off-target effects [HELP]

Click to choose which off-target sequences to test

4. Start job:

Show result as Genome browser image

Boutros lab, E-TALEN-Version 2.5
For suggestions please contact us at